ponedjeljak, 3. prosinca 2018.

[cs-tut] How To Fix cl_flushentitypacket ?

The flushentity message indicates packet loss or poor connection to the server.

Packet loss is generally caused by network congestion.

Typically, if your network's bandwith is being consumed - expect packet loss.

You're on a KB connection, which is poor - and if others are sharing the same networking and downloading things; expect packet loss.

If the server is further away from you, and your latency goes somewhat about 300, the connection is not perfect.

Thus, the result message is flushentity.

Other alternative explanations.

1) Your connection is overloaded, for example running a peer-to-peer filesharing application in the background.

2) The server you are on has its network connection overloaded.

3) You are running on a wireless connection with a poor or inconsistent signal.
Checked, I'm connected to the Internet by cable

4) You have a Virus or Trojan or Internet Worm infection that is generating traffic.

5) You are connected to the internet using a dial-up or other low-speed connection.

6) You have your rate or cl_updaterate or cl_cmdrate settings too fast for your internet connection.

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